Monday 30 September 2013

Florida House Tour Video

I'm taking a break from packing (5 days til we move!) to post a quick update on our progress.

First order of business: the house is rented! We got a call from a nice couple right after we listed it, they came to see it the next day and made an offer that night. Big sigh of relief. After the papers were signed a few days later, we got straight to packing and prepping the house.

When we were touching up the paint, this started to happen:

Unfortunately, none of our paint colors match anymore (maybe from sitting out in the humid garage?) so we had to repaint 90% of the house which has sucked up a lot of our time. 

I'm still working in the studio so we haven't touched that room yet, but we're still on schedule for the movers to come Friday so it's been relatively stress free.

Here's a shot I just took of the living room:

So weird to see empty walls again!

Before we moved a thing, we decided to go ahead and shoot a house tour video as a way to preserve the memories. It's also a chance to clear up any confusion on the layout if you guys ever wondered how the rooms flowed together. And it's the first time anything has ever been on video so we thought it would be a fun little time capsule.

Disclaimer: Some of the shots were out of focus and I had to reshoot them, so you'll see a few funky edits/sound changes. Don't mind my blabbing, this wasn't rehearsed at all so some commentary may be redundant.

And with that out of the way, I'm trying to soak up as much of Florida as I can before we say goodbye. I took some time off work this afternoon to enjoy one last beach trip...

I'm really gonna miss this place.

I'll be back with an update once we arrive in California!

Something Old

The last day of the Blogtember Challenge! We're about to be back to our regularly scheduled programming around here, and I'm OK with that. As per usual, I struggled with committing to a whole month-long deal, but it was good for me, and obviously I HAD to see it through, since I hosted! I had so much fun working through the prompts with many of you this month, and I hope you did too. :) And now, for the last day. Share a photo of something old. Maybe something that has personal history for you, that was passed down to you, and that has special meaning to you. Tell us about it and why it's special.

This was my sweet late grandma's HIGH SCHOOL ring. My mom brought it back after the funeral along with some other keepsakes of my Grandma's, and I claimed this one. I wear it almost every single day, and think of her whenever I put it on. "Peg" is engraved on the inside, which makes it even more special and personal... I feel a little closer to her when I wear it. It gives me courage and peace when I'm feeling anxious about something, and I love to imagine her going about her day some 60 years ago, wearing this ring that I now wear, never imagining how much it would mean to her granddaughter when she was gone. Love you and miss you so much, Grandma. Always.

Last Week's Links

1 || Obsessed with this room. I love everything about it. 
2 || This is the cutest camping first birthday party.
3 || Old Navy is making the cutest pullovers for girls right now.
4 || Best tips ever on hanging art above a console table.
5 || I love this simple and eclectic nursery.
6 || This is my newest sofa crush.

7 || Pretty sure every kid should own this easy to make puppet theater. 
8 || This is the perfect little dress. 
9 || Best way every to add faux wood to a non-working fireplace. 
10 || The color of this bag is so yummy. 

top photo credit -  Simplified Bee // bottom photo credit - The Alison Show 


Friday 27 September 2013

Sink placement for our downstairs bathroom vanity

Thank you all for your feedback on my last post. I am leaning towards the tho long drawers option, but am still worried if 28.5cm on either side of the sink will be sufficient for a main bathroom...

The upstairs powder room is sorted, and it will just have two doors with a shelf inside.

But, there is still the downstairs bathroom which I am unsure about, and would love to hear your advice. The vanity is the first thing you see when you enter the bathroom and we've only got 1m to work with. There is a toilet on the left of the vanity and the wall is on the right... 

Below are the three sink placement options I've outlined in one of our existing vanities.

  • Top: basin 10cm from the edge of the vanity on the left
  • Middle: basin pushed far left - provides maximum bench space on the right, for placing hair drying/change of clothes, but will this cause splashing on the left?
  • Bottom: basin centred - is symetric

PS. The "trial" plantation shutters for our home office/gym, and bedrooms 3 and 4 have now been installed and look fantastic. We are happy and will be ordering the rest very soon. YAY! Some progress at last :)


The Facebook one

Day 19 of Blogtember. Can you believe Monday is the last day? But today... An anonymous letter to your Facebook friends. Be as snarky as you'd like. (but don't include people's real names.) 

It turns out that I don't actually have a whole lot of stored up animosity regarding Facebook. I have long since blocked or unfriended all the people that annoy me most, so now Facebook is a mostly peaceful and enjoyable place. 

BUT. Things that will get you blocked or unfriended by me:

- Too many political posts, in either direction. Election time is the absolute worst. It is exactly what is wrong with social media - too many un-censored zealots in dire need of an editor and maybe a Xanex or two. SHUT UP.

- This is too obvious, I know, but people that post way too many photos of their babies/children will also earn themselves a nice swift blocking. We all know your kids are cute and you love them immensely. But we don't need to see 7 terrible cell phone pics of them per day, mmkay?

- Poor grammar. I can't help it. Bad grammar and spelling are the virtual equivalent of nails on a chalkboard to me. And I can't help but judge you a little.

- Silent stalkers. The people that are always on, a "like" at the ready (IF that), but never have anything to say or share for themselves. I don't really know why this bothers me, but it does. I guess it just seems a little TOO voyeuristic, if you're so keen to peek in on all your friends' lives but never willing to share anything of your own, or even reach out to others with a text, email, or an actual nice comment (which, yes, might take thought).  

- Slutty selfies will also earn you a swift blocking. I have no idea why so many girls feel the need to post constant photos of themselves in bikinis or low cut shirts. It just screams "LOOK AT ME I NEED ATTENTION AND VALIDATION." How about getting attention for doing something good or worthwhile or useful, eh?

- Passive aggression and/or cryptic postings that don't actually say anything but just inject negativity into the universe. BIG pet peeve.

Phew. Felt good to get that off my chest. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has to say for this one... share your letters in the linkup below! And have a great weekend! :)

Feature Friday: Life In Grace


Today I am featuring the amazingly beautiful and captivating home of blogger Edi from the blog Life in Grace. Her home is STUNNING. I know you are going to love it! If you want to get to know a truly spectacular blogger check out her story and her blog


l i v i n g   r o o m

t h e   k i t c h e n

You can read more about this Kitchen here

m a s t e r   b e d r o o m 

You can read more about this room here

g i r l ' s   r o o m

You can read more about this beautiful room here

t e e n  r o o m

Read more about this room here

o f f i c e

Read more about this room here

l a u n d r y  r o o m

g u e s t   r o o m

b a c k   p o r c h

Thank you so much to Edie for sharing her home with us. Make sure you check out her blog here