Sunday 1 September 2013

Main Bathroom Vanity Layout - Help!

We don't have a medicine cupboard above the vanity so some drawers are a must... Our undermount basin is huge so takes up a fair bit of the vanity space. Which one of the following options do you think LOOKS best and is the most FUNCTIONAL?

  • Off-center basin, with 3 x 100% usable drawers
  • Basin in the center of the vanity, with the top drawer being partialy usable due to the depth and width.
  • Two x 1.1m long drawers, top drawer being only usable in a U kind of shape (25cm around the basin). This option would cost $100 more than the other two options.
All the options have their pros and cons, and as usual I am having a hard time deciding. I would be love if you could help :)

This is what the top drawer would look like if we go with the 3rd option:


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